Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blessed Hunger

Fasting can be inconvenient. The feeling of hunger can be distracting, and it can be amplified, because of the extra time created by the removal of the usual activities of lunch, snacking, and coffee breaks.
That is, since food is not only a hunger remedy, but also a reason to take a break, enjoy the good taste, and get one's mind off work, fasting frees more time, which can make you even more self conscious.
But let's consider the upside: fasting is very liberating. You have more time to do more useful things. And it does more than that, since it triggers a lot of positive energy.
Every time such a feeling of discomfort occurs, we are reminded of the purpose of fasting. And this discomfort, by itself, increases our benefit from the fast.
This is actually the point. This is how we are reminded of the feelings of the less fortunate. If fasting isn't inconvenient, it will not achieve this end.
Fasting, as it happens, is a great force of goodness. During the month of Ramadan, the drive for good is naturally heightened. It's hard to miss the air of positive energy, and people's increased tendency to avoid the bad, and enjoin the good.
Thus, one has to wonder, if this all stems from this feeling of blessed hunger.

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