Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Evidence of Beauty

Some believe that the world is the way it is right now because of chance, and that things are, the way they are, for no specific reason, or purpose. That includes us, humans.
It strikes me deep inside, when I look at the setting sun, and witness the color parade at the west side of the sky. When I look at the clouds, and the wide open sea. When I look at the trees and the flowers. And it strikes me in so many other occasions, the fact that this world appeals so much to me.
How could it be a chance? Chance and random behavior do not seem to especially create beautiful things. Why would it be, so that it appeals so much to me?
This world was created for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another view.
Notice also the evidence of ugliness.
Everything that is bad is ugly in shape, smell, or taste . for example urine of human beings smell bad, the main component in it that is poisonus to human is the making that bad smell, also the stool has a bad smell, taste, and shape.
Human sweat also has bad smell.
it may be funny to some of the readers to read that, but it is fact.
consider the contrary , what if?
urine,stool have nice smell and taste. Human may very well eat/drink it and this will cause them to die.
What if sweat was smelling nice, no human will go and shower, and eventually will have a lot of skin diseases and may cause fatal illness.
What I wanna say, that bad ( usually comes from bactria, fungus, other chemicals) to humans generally meant to be ugly(in shape,taste,smell) to human senses.

10/28/2006 2:46 AM  

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